
Google is on the verge of releasing a new update on April 21st 2015. Here is what you need to do to prepare…

Google Mobile Friendly Update

We are only days away from what will be the biggest Google algorithm update of the year. On April 21st Google will be releasing a major “mobile” update and a Google employee has already gone on record stating:

this update will have a bigger impact than either Penguin or Panda! Mobile now accounts for over 50% of all internet traffic, meaning that no matter what industry you are in, this update will have a huge impact on your rankings and your bottom line.”

In preparation for this major update, it is critical to ensure that your website is mobile friendly. We highly recommend you do the following two things as soon as possible:web design responsive mobile friendly

By doing both of these two things you can make sure that you are prepared and your search ranking is not affected.

Contact Oley Media Group now on 1300 795 390 or via email.

“More than half of consumer traffic (UB’s) was via mobile (38% smartphone, 17% tablet)” – Australian Online Landscape Review: August 2014 – nielson